- class pace.util.Buffer(key: Tuple[Callable, Iterable[int], type], array: numpy.ndarray)¶
A buffer cached by default.
_key: key into cache storage to allow easy re-caching array: ndarray allocated
- array: numpy.ndarray¶
- assign_from(source_array: numpy.ndarray, buffer_slice: numpy.lib.index_tricks.IndexExpression = (slice(None, None, None),))¶
Assign source_array to internal array.
- Parameters
source_array – source ndarray
- assign_to(destination_array: numpy.ndarray, buffer_slice: numpy.lib.index_tricks.IndexExpression = (slice(None, None, None),), buffer_reshape: Optional[numpy.lib.index_tricks.IndexExpression] = None)¶
Assign internal array to destination_array.
- Parameters
destination_array – target ndarray
- finalize_memory_transfer()¶
Finalize any memory transfer
- classmethod pop_from_cache(allocator: pace.util.types.Allocator, shape: Iterable[int], dtype: type) pace.util.buffer.Buffer ¶
Retrieve or insert then retrieve of buffer from cache.
- Parameters
allocator – used to allocate memory
shape – shape of array
dtype – type of array elements
- Returns
a buffer wrapping an allocated array
- static push_to_cache(buffer: pace.util.buffer.Buffer)¶
Push the buffer back into the cache.
- Parameters
buffer – buffer to push back in cache, using internal key
- class pace.util.CachingCommData(rank: int, size: int, bcast_objects: List[Any] = <factory>, received_buffers: List[numpy.ndarray] = <factory>, generic_obj_buffers: List[Any] = <factory>, split_data: List[pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommData] = <factory>)¶
Data required to restore a CachingCommReader.
Usually you will not want to initialize this class directly, but instead use the CachingCommReader.load method.
- bcast_objects: List[Any]¶
- dump(file: BinaryIO)¶
- generic_obj_buffers: List[Any]¶
- get_bcast()¶
- get_buffer()¶
- get_generic_obj()¶
- get_split()¶
- classmethod load(file: BinaryIO) pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommData ¶
- rank: int¶
- received_buffers: List[numpy.ndarray]¶
- size: int¶
- split_data: List[pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommData]¶
- class pace.util.CachingCommReader(data: pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommData)¶
mpi4py Comm-like object which replays stored communications.
- Barrier()¶
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Get_rank() int ¶
- Get_size() int ¶
- Irecv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Isend(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Recv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Send(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Split(color, key) pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommReader ¶
- allgather(sendobj)¶
- allreduce(sendobj, op=None) Any ¶
- barrier()¶
- bcast(value: Optional[pace.util.caching_comm.T], root=0) pace.util.caching_comm.T ¶
- classmethod load(file: BinaryIO) pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommReader ¶
- sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.CachingCommWriter(comm: pace.util.comm.Comm)¶
Wrapper around a mpi4py Comm object which can be serialized and then loaded as a CachingCommReader.
- Barrier()¶
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Get_rank() int ¶
- Get_size() int ¶
- Irecv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Isend(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Recv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Send(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Split(color, key) pace.util.caching_comm.CachingCommWriter ¶
- allgather(sendobj)¶
- allreduce(sendobj, op=None) Any ¶
- barrier()¶
- bcast(value: Optional[pace.util.caching_comm.T], root=0) pace.util.caching_comm.T ¶
- dump(file: BinaryIO)¶
- sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.Checkpointer¶
- class pace.util.Comm¶
- abstract Barrier()¶
- abstract Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- abstract Get_rank() int ¶
- abstract Get_size() int ¶
- abstract Irecv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- abstract Isend(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- abstract Recv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- abstract Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- abstract Send(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- abstract Split(color, key) pace.util.comm.Comm ¶
- abstract allgather(sendobj: pace.util.comm.T) List[pace.util.comm.T] ¶
- abstract allreduce(sendobj: pace.util.comm.T, op=None) pace.util.comm.T ¶
- abstract barrier()¶
- abstract bcast(value: Optional[pace.util.comm.T], root=0) pace.util.comm.T ¶
- abstract sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.Communicator(comm, partitioner, force_cpu: bool = False, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None)¶
- property boundaries: Mapping[int, pace.util.boundary.Boundary]¶
boundaries of this tile with neighboring tiles
- gather(send_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity, recv_quantity: Optional[pace.util.quantity.Quantity] = None) Optional[pace.util.quantity.Quantity] ¶
Transfer subtile regions of a full-tile quantity from each rank to the tile root rank.
- Parameters
send_quantity – quantity to send
recv_quantity – if provided, assign received data into this Quantity (only used on the tile root rank)
- Returns
quantity if on root rank, otherwise None
- Return type
- gather_state(send_state=None, recv_state=None, transfer_type=None)¶
Transfer a state dictionary from subtile ranks to the tile root rank.
‘time’ is assumed to be the same on all ranks, and its value will be set to the value from the root rank.
- Parameters
send_state – the model state to be sent containing the subtile data
recv_state – the pre-allocated state in which to recieve the full tile state. Only variables which are scattered will be written to.
- Returns
on the root rank, the state containing the entire tile
- Return type
- get_scalar_halo_updater(specifications: List[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec])¶
- get_vector_halo_updater(specifications_x: List[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec], specifications_y: List[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec])¶
- halo_update(quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int)¶
Perform a halo update on a quantity or quantities
- Parameters
quantity – the quantity to be updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting from the interior
- property rank: int¶
rank of the current process within this communicator
- scatter(send_quantity: Optional[pace.util.quantity.Quantity] = None, recv_quantity: Optional[pace.util.quantity.Quantity] = None) pace.util.quantity.Quantity ¶
Transfer subtile regions of a full-tile quantity from the tile root rank to all subtiles.
- Parameters
send_quantity – quantity to send, only required/used on the tile root rank
recv_quantity – if provided, assign received data into this Quantity.
- Returns
- scatter_state(send_state=None, recv_state=None)¶
Transfer a state dictionary from the tile root rank to all subtiles.
- Parameters
send_state – the model state to be sent containing the entire tile, required only from the root rank
recv_state – the pre-allocated state in which to recieve the scattered state. Only variables which are scattered will be written to.
- Returns
the state corresponding to this rank’s subdomain
- Return type
- start_halo_update(quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdater ¶
Start an asynchronous halo update on a quantity.
- Parameters
quantity – the quantity to be updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting from the interior
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- start_synchronize_vector_interfaces(x_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity, y_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdateRequest ¶
Synchronize shared points at the edges of a vector interface variable.
Sends the values on the south and west edges to overwrite the values on adjacent subtiles. Vector must be defined on the Arakawa C grid.
For interface variables, the edges of the tile are computed on both ranks bordering that edge. This routine copies values across those shared edges so that both ranks have the same value for that edge. It also handles any rotation of vector quantities needed to move data across the edge.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be synchronized
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be synchronized
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- start_vector_halo_update(x_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], y_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdater ¶
Start an asynchronous halo update of a horizontal vector quantity.
Assumes the x and y dimension indices are the same between the two quantities.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be halo updated
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be halo updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting at the interior
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- synchronize_vector_interfaces(x_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity, y_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity)¶
Synchronize shared points at the edges of a vector interface variable.
Sends the values on the south and west edges to overwrite the values on adjacent subtiles. Vector must be defined on the Arakawa C grid.
For interface variables, the edges of the tile are computed on both ranks bordering that edge. This routine copies values across those shared edges so that both ranks have the same value for that edge. It also handles any rotation of vector quantities needed to move data across the edge.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be synchronized
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be synchronized
- abstract property tile: pace.util.communicator.TileCommunicator¶
- vector_halo_update(x_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], y_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int)¶
Perform a halo update of a horizontal vector quantity or quantities.
Assumes the x and y dimension indices are the same between the two quantities.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be halo updated
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be halo updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting at the interior
- class pace.util.CubedSphereCommunicator(comm, partitioner: pace.util.partitioner.CubedSpherePartitioner, force_cpu: bool = False, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None)¶
Performs communications within a cubed sphere
- classmethod from_layout(comm, layout: Tuple[int, int], force_cpu: bool = False, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None) pace.util.communicator.CubedSphereCommunicator ¶
- partitioner: pace.util.partitioner.CubedSpherePartitioner¶
- property tile: pace.util.communicator.TileCommunicator¶
communicator for within a tile
- timer: pace.util._timing.Timer¶
- class pace.util.CubedSpherePartitioner(tile: pace.util.partitioner.TilePartitioner)¶
- boundary(boundary_type: int, rank: int) Optional[pace.util.boundary.SimpleBoundary] ¶
Returns a boundary of the requested type for a given rank, or None.
On tile corners, the boundary across that corner does not exist.
- Parameters
boundary_type – the type of boundary
rank – the processor rank
- Returns
- classmethod from_namelist(namelist)¶
Initialize a CubedSpherePartitioner from a Fortran namelist.
- Parameters
namelist (dict) – the Fortran namelist
- global_extent(rank_metadata: pace.util.quantity.QuantityMetadata) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
Return the shape of a full cube representation for the given dimensions.
- Parameters
metadata – quantity metadata
- Returns
shape of full cube representation
- Return type
- property layout: Tuple[int, int]¶
- subtile_extent(cube_metadata: pace.util.quantity.QuantityMetadata, rank: int) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
Return the shape of a single rank representation for the given dimensions.
- Parameters
global_metadata – quantity metadata.
rank – rank of the process.
- Returns
shape of a single rank representation for the given dimensions.
- Return type
- subtile_slice(rank: int, global_dims: Sequence[str], global_extent: Sequence[int], overlap: bool = False) Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...] ¶
Return the subtile slice of a given rank on an array.
Global refers to the domain being partitioned. For example, for a partitioning of a tile, the tile would be the “global” domain.
- Parameters
rank – the rank of the process
global_dims – dimensions of the global quantity being partitioned
global_extent – extent of the global quantity being partitioned
overlap (optional) – if True, for interface variables include the part of the array shared by adjacent ranks in both ranks. If False, ensure only one of those ranks (the greater rank) is assigned the overlapping section. Default is False.
- Returns
- the tuple slice of the global compute domain corresponding
to the subtile compute domain
- Return type
- tile_index(rank: int) int ¶
Returns the tile index of a given rank
- tile_root_rank(rank: int) int ¶
Returns the lowest rank on the same tile as a given rank.
- property total_ranks: int¶
the number of ranks on the cubed sphere
- class pace.util.GridSizer(nx: int, ny: int, nz: int, n_halo: int, extra_dim_lengths: Dict[str, int])¶
- extra_dim_lengths: Dict[str, int]¶
lengths of any non-x/y/z dimensions, such as land or radiation dimensions
- get_extent(dims: Sequence[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- get_origin(dims: Sequence[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- get_shape(dims: Sequence[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- n_halo: int¶
number of horizontal halo points for produced arrays
- nx: int¶
length of the x compute dimension for produced arrays
- ny: int¶
length of the y compute dimension for produced arrays
- nz: int¶
length of the z compute dimension for produced arrays
- class pace.util.HaloUpdateRequest(send_data: List[Tuple[pace.util.types.AsyncRequest, pace.util.buffer.Buffer]], recv_data: List[Tuple[pace.util.types.AsyncRequest, pace.util.buffer.Buffer, numpy.ndarray]], timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None)¶
Asynchronous request object for halo updates.
- wait()¶
Wait & unpack data into destination buffers Clean up by inserting back all buffers back in cache for potential reuse
- class pace.util.HaloUpdater(comm: Communicator, tag: int, transformers: Dict[int, pace.util.halo_data_transformer.HaloDataTransformer], timer: pace.util._timing.Timer)¶
Exchange halo information between ranks.
The class is responsible for the entire exchange and uses the __init__ to precompute the maximum of information to have minimum overhead at runtime. Therefore it should be cached for early and re-used at runtime.
from_scalar_specifications/from_vector_specifications are used to create a HaloUpdater from a list of memory specifications
update and start/wait trigger the halo exchange
the class creates a “pattern” of exchange that can fit any memory given to do/start
temporary references to the Quanitites are held between start and wait
- force_finalize_on_wait()¶
HaloDataTransformer are finalized after a wait call
This is a temporary fix. See DSL-816 which will remove self._finalize_on_wait.
- classmethod from_scalar_specifications(comm: Communicator, numpy_like_module: pace.util.types.NumpyModule, specifications: Iterable[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec], boundaries: Iterable[pace.util.boundary.Boundary], tag: int, optional_timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None) HaloUpdater ¶
Create/retrieve as many packed buffer as needed and queue the slices to exchange.
- Parameters
comm – communicator to post network messages
numpy_like_module – module implementing numpy API
specifications – data specifications to exchange, including number of halo points
boundaries – informations on the exchange boundaries.
tag – network tag (to differentiate messaging) for this node.
optional_timer – timing of operations.
- Returns
HaloUpdater ready to exchange data.
- classmethod from_vector_specifications(comm: Communicator, numpy_like_module: pace.util.types.NumpyModule, specifications_x: Iterable[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec], specifications_y: Iterable[pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec], boundaries: Iterable[pace.util.boundary.Boundary], tag: int, optional_timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None) HaloUpdater ¶
Create/retrieve as many packed buffer as needed and queue the slices to exchange.
- Parameters
comm – communicator to post network messages
numpy_like_module – module implementing numpy API
specifications_x – specifications to exchange along the x axis. Length must match y specifications.
specifications_y – specifications to exchange along the y axis. Length must match x specifications.
boundaries – informations on the exchange boundaries.
tag – network tag (to differentiate messaging) for this node.
optional_timer – timing of operations.
- Returns
HaloUpdater ready to exchange data.
- start(quantities_x: List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity], quantities_y: Optional[List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]] = None)¶
Start data exchange.
- update(quantities_x: List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity], quantities_y: Optional[List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]] = None)¶
Exhange the data and blocks until finished.
- wait()¶
Finalize data exchange.
- exception pace.util.InvalidQuantityError¶
- class pace.util.LocalComm(rank, total_ranks, buffer_dict)¶
- Barrier()¶
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Get_rank()¶
- Get_size()¶
- Irecv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Isend(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Recv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Send(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Split(color, key)¶
- allgather(sendobj)¶
- allreduce(sendobj, op=None) Any ¶
- barrier()¶
- bcast(value, root=0)¶
- sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.MPIComm¶
- Barrier()¶
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Get_rank() int ¶
- Get_size() int ¶
- Irecv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Isend(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs) pace.util.comm.Request ¶
- Recv(recvbuf, source, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Send(sendbuf, dest, tag: int = 0, **kwargs)¶
- Split(color, key) pace.util.comm.Comm ¶
- allgather(sendobj: pace.util.mpi.T) List[pace.util.mpi.T] ¶
- allreduce(sendobj: pace.util.mpi.T, op=None) pace.util.mpi.T ¶
- barrier()¶
- bcast(value: Optional[pace.util.mpi.T], root=0) pace.util.mpi.T ¶
- sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.Monitor(*args, **kwargs)¶
sympl.Monitor-style object for storing model state dictionaries.
- cleanup()¶
- store(state: dict) None ¶
Append the model state dictionary to the stored data.
- store_constant(state: Dict[str, pace.util.quantity.Quantity]) None ¶
- class pace.util.Namelist(dycore_only: bool = False, days: int = 0, dt_atmos: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, a_imp: float = 0.0, beta: float = 0.0, consv_te: float = 0.0, d2_bg: float = 0.0, d2_bg_k1: float = 0.0, d2_bg_k2: float = 0.0, d4_bg: float = 0.0, d_con: float = 0.0, d_ext: float = 0.0, dddmp: float = 0.0, delt_max: float = 0.0, do_sat_adj: bool = False, do_vort_damp: bool = False, fill: bool = False, hord_dp: int = 0, hord_mt: int = 0, hord_tm: int = 0, hord_tr: int = 0, hord_vt: int = 0, hydrostatic: bool = False, k_split: int = 0, ke_bg: float = 0.0, kord_mt: int = 0, kord_tm: int = 0, kord_tr: int = 0, kord_wz: int = 0, layout: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), n_split: int = 0, nord: int = 0, npx: int = 0, npy: int = 0, npz: int = 0, ntiles: int = 0, nwat: int = 0, p_fac: float = 0.0, rf_cutoff: float = 0.0, tau: float = 0.0, vtdm4: float = 0.0, z_tracer: bool = False, c_cracw: float = 0.8, c_paut: float = 0.5, c_pgacs: float = 0.01, c_psaci: float = 0.05, ccn_l: float = 300.0, ccn_o: float = 100.0, const_vg: bool = False, const_vi: bool = False, const_vr: bool = False, const_vs: bool = False, qc_crt: float = 5e-08, vs_fac: float = 1.0, vg_fac: float = 1.0, vi_fac: float = 1.0, vr_fac: float = 1.0, de_ice: bool = False, do_qa: bool = True, do_sedi_heat: bool = False, do_sedi_w: bool = True, fast_sat_adj: bool = True, fix_negative: bool = True, irain_f: int = 0, mono_prof: bool = False, mp_time: float = 225.0, prog_ccn: bool = False, qi0_crt: float = 8e-05, qs0_crt: float = 0.003, rh_inc: float = 0.2, rh_inr: float = 0.3, rthresh: float = 1e-05, sedi_transport: bool = True, use_ppm: bool = False, vg_max: float = 16.0, vi_max: float = 1.0, vr_max: float = 16.0, vs_max: float = 2.0, z_slope_ice: bool = True, z_slope_liq: bool = True, tice: float = 273.16, alin: float = 842.0, clin: float = 4.8, grid_type: int = 0, do_f3d: bool = False, inline_q: bool = False, do_skeb: bool = False, use_logp: bool = False, moist_phys: bool = True, check_negative: bool = False, tau_r2g: float = 900.0, tau_smlt: float = 900.0, tau_g2r: float = 600.0, tau_imlt: float = 600.0, tau_i2s: float = 1000.0, tau_l2r: float = 900.0, tau_g2v: float = 1200.0, tau_v2g: float = 21600.0, sat_adj0: float = 0.9, ql_gen: float = 0.001, ql_mlt: float = 0.002, qs_mlt: float = 1e-06, ql0_max: float = 0.002, t_sub: float = 184.0, qi_gen: float = 1.82e-06, qi_lim: float = 1.0, qi0_max: float = 0.0001, rad_snow: bool = True, rad_rain: bool = True, rad_graupel: bool = True, tintqs: bool = False, dw_ocean: float = 0.1, dw_land: float = 0.15, icloud_f: int = 0, cld_min: float = 0.05, tau_l2v: float = 300.0, tau_v2l: float = 90.0, c2l_ord: int = 4, regional: bool = False, m_split: int = 0, convert_ke: bool = False, breed_vortex_inline: bool = False, use_old_omega: bool = True, rf_fast: bool = False, adiabatic: bool = False, nf_omega: int = 1, fv_sg_adj: int = - 1, n_sponge: int = 1)¶
- note: dycore_only may not be used in this model
the same way it is in the Fortran version, watch for consequences of these inconsistencies, or more closely parallel the Fortran structure
- a_imp: float = 0.0¶
- adiabatic: bool = False¶
- alin: float = 842.0¶
- beta: float = 0.0¶
- breed_vortex_inline: bool = False¶
- c2l_ord: int = 4¶
- c_cracw: float = 0.8¶
- c_paut: float = 0.5¶
- c_pgacs: float = 0.01¶
- c_psaci: float = 0.05¶
- ccn_l: float = 300.0¶
- ccn_o: float = 100.0¶
- check_negative: bool = False¶
- cld_min: float = 0.05¶
- clin: float = 4.8¶
- const_vg: bool = False¶
- const_vi: bool = False¶
- const_vr: bool = False¶
- const_vs: bool = False¶
- consv_te: float = 0.0¶
- convert_ke: bool = False¶
- d2_bg: float = 0.0¶
- d2_bg_k1: float = 0.0¶
- d2_bg_k2: float = 0.0¶
- d4_bg: float = 0.0¶
- d_con: float = 0.0¶
- d_ext: float = 0.0¶
- days: int = 0¶
- dddmp: float = 0.0¶
- de_ice: bool = False¶
- delt_max: float = 0.0¶
- do_f3d: bool = False¶
- do_qa: bool = True¶
- do_sat_adj: bool = False¶
- do_sedi_heat: bool = False¶
- do_sedi_w: bool = True¶
- do_skeb: bool = False¶
- do_vort_damp: bool = False¶
- dt_atmos: int = 0¶
- dw_land: float = 0.15¶
- dw_ocean: float = 0.1¶
- dycore_only: bool = False¶
- fast_sat_adj: bool = True¶
- fill: bool = False¶
- fix_negative: bool = True¶
- classmethod from_f90nml(namelist: f90nml.namelist.Namelist)¶
- fv_sg_adj: int = -1¶
- grid_type: int = 0¶
- hord_dp: int = 0¶
- hord_mt: int = 0¶
- hord_tm: int = 0¶
- hord_tr: int = 0¶
- hord_vt: int = 0¶
- hours: int = 0¶
- hydrostatic: bool = False¶
- icloud_f: int = 0¶
- inline_q: bool = False¶
- irain_f: int = 0¶
- k_split: int = 0¶
- ke_bg: float = 0.0¶
- kord_mt: int = 0¶
- kord_tm: int = 0¶
- kord_tr: int = 0¶
- kord_wz: int = 0¶
- layout: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1)¶
- m_split: int = 0¶
- minutes: int = 0¶
- moist_phys: bool = True¶
- mono_prof: bool = False¶
- mp_time: float = 225.0¶
- n_split: int = 0¶
- n_sponge: int = 1¶
- nf_omega: int = 1¶
- nord: int = 0¶
- npx: int = 0¶
- npy: int = 0¶
- npz: int = 0¶
- ntiles: int = 0¶
- nwat: int = 0¶
- p_fac: float = 0.0¶
- prog_ccn: bool = False¶
- qc_crt: float = 5e-08¶
- qi0_crt: float = 8e-05¶
- qi0_max: float = 0.0001¶
- qi_gen: float = 1.82e-06¶
- qi_lim: float = 1.0¶
- ql0_max: float = 0.002¶
- ql_gen: float = 0.001¶
- ql_mlt: float = 0.002¶
- qs0_crt: float = 0.003¶
- qs_mlt: float = 1e-06¶
- rad_graupel: bool = True¶
- rad_rain: bool = True¶
- rad_snow: bool = True¶
- regional: bool = False¶
- rf_cutoff: float = 0.0¶
- rf_fast: bool = False¶
- rh_inc: float = 0.2¶
- rh_inr: float = 0.3¶
- rthresh: float = 1e-05¶
- sat_adj0: float = 0.9¶
- seconds: int = 0¶
- sedi_transport: bool = True¶
- t_sub: float = 184.0¶
- tau: float = 0.0¶
- tau_g2r: float = 600.0¶
- tau_g2v: float = 1200.0¶
- tau_i2s: float = 1000.0¶
- tau_imlt: float = 600.0¶
- tau_l2r: float = 900.0¶
- tau_l2v: float = 300.0¶
- tau_r2g: float = 900.0¶
- tau_smlt: float = 900.0¶
- tau_v2g: float = 21600.0¶
- tau_v2l: float = 90.0¶
- tice: float = 273.16¶
- tintqs: bool = False¶
- use_logp: bool = False¶
- use_old_omega: bool = True¶
- use_ppm: bool = False¶
- vg_fac: float = 1.0¶
- vg_max: float = 16.0¶
- vi_fac: float = 1.0¶
- vi_max: float = 1.0¶
- vr_fac: float = 1.0¶
- vr_max: float = 16.0¶
- vs_fac: float = 1.0¶
- vs_max: float = 2.0¶
- vtdm4: float = 0.0¶
- z_slope_ice: bool = True¶
- z_slope_liq: bool = True¶
- z_tracer: bool = False¶
- class pace.util.NamelistDefaults¶
- adiabatic = False¶
- alin = 842.0¶
- classmethod as_dict()¶
- breed_vortex_inline = False¶
- c2l_ord = 4¶
- c_cracw = 0.8¶
- c_paut = 0.5¶
- c_pgacs = 0.01¶
- c_psaci = 0.05¶
- ccn_l = 300.0¶
- ccn_o = 100.0¶
- check_negative = False¶
- cld_min = 0.05¶
- clin = 4.8¶
- const_vg = False¶
- const_vi = False¶
- const_vr = False¶
- const_vs = False¶
- convert_ke = False¶
- de_ice = False¶
- do_f3d = False¶
- do_qa = True¶
- do_sedi_heat = False¶
- do_sedi_w = True¶
- do_skeb = False¶
- dw_land = 0.15¶
- dw_ocean = 0.1¶
- fast_sat_adj = True¶
- fix_negative = True¶
- fv_sg_adj = -1¶
- grid_type = 0¶
- icloud_f = 0¶
- inline_q = False¶
- irain_f = 0¶
- layout = (1, 1)¶
- m_split = 0¶
- moist_phys = True¶
- mono_prof = False¶
- mp_time = 225.0¶
- n_sponge = 1¶
- nf_omega = 1¶
- p_ref = 100000.0¶
- prog_ccn = False¶
- qc_crt = 5e-08¶
- qi0_crt = 8e-05¶
- qi0_max = 0.0001¶
- qi_gen = 1.82e-06¶
- qi_lim = 1.0¶
- ql0_max = 0.002¶
- ql_gen = 0.001¶
- ql_mlt = 0.002¶
- qs0_crt = 0.003¶
- qs_mlt = 1e-06¶
- rad_graupel = True¶
- rad_rain = True¶
- rad_snow = True¶
- regional = False¶
- rf_fast = False¶
- rh_inc = 0.2¶
- rh_inr = 0.3¶
- rthresh = 1e-05¶
- sat_adj0 = 0.9¶
- sedi_transport = True¶
- t_sub = 184.0¶
- tau_g2r = 600.0¶
- tau_g2v = 1200.0¶
- tau_i2s = 1000.0¶
- tau_imlt = 600.0¶
- tau_l2r = 900.0¶
- tau_l2v = 300.0¶
- tau_r2g = 900.0¶
- tau_smlt = 900.0¶
- tau_v2g = 21600.0¶
- tau_v2l = 90.0¶
- tice = 273.16¶
- tintqs = False¶
- use_logp = False¶
- use_old_omega = True¶
- use_ppm = False¶
- vg_fac = 1.0¶
- vg_max = 16.0¶
- vi_fac = 1.0¶
- vi_max = 1.0¶
- vr_fac = 1.0¶
- vr_max = 16.0¶
- vs_fac = 1.0¶
- vs_max = 2.0¶
- z_slope_ice = True¶
- z_slope_liq = True¶
- class pace.util.NetCDFMonitor(path: str, communicator: pace.util.communicator.Communicator, time_chunk_size: int = 1)¶
sympl.Monitor-style object for storing model state dictionaries netCDF files.
- cleanup()¶
- store(state: dict) None ¶
Append the model state dictionary to the netcdf files.
Will only write to disk when a full time chunk has been accumulated, or when .cleanup() is called.
Requires the state contain the same quantities with the same metadata as the first time this is called. Dimension order metadata may change between calls so long as the set of dimensions is the same. Quantities are stored with dimensions [time, tile] followed by the dimensions included in the first state snapshot. The one exception is “time” which is stored with dimensions [time].
- store_constant(state: Dict[str, pace.util.quantity.Quantity]) None ¶
- class pace.util.NullCheckpointer¶
- class pace.util.NullComm(rank, total_ranks, fill_value=0.0)¶
A class with a subset of the mpi4py Comm API, but which ‘receives’ a fill value (default zero) instead of using MPI.
- Barrier()¶
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Get_rank()¶
- Get_size()¶
- Irecv(recvbuf, source, **kwargs)¶
- Isend(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- Recv(recvbuf, source, **kwargs)¶
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, **kwargs)¶
- Send(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- Split(color, key)¶
- allgather(sendobj)¶
- allreduce(sendobj, op=None) Any ¶
- barrier()¶
- bcast(value, root=0)¶
- sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, **kwargs)¶
- class pace.util.NullProfiler¶
A profiler class which does not actually profile anything.
Meant to be used in place of an optional profiler.
- dump_stats(filename: str)¶
- enable()¶
- property enabled: bool¶
Indicates whether the profiler is enabled.
- class pace.util.NullTimer¶
A Timer class which does not actually accumulate timings.
Meant to be used in place of an optional timer.
- enable()¶
Enable the Timer.
- property enabled: bool¶
Indicates whether the timer is currently enabled.
- exception pace.util.OutOfBoundsError¶
- class pace.util.Profiler¶
- dump_stats(filename: str)¶
- enable()¶
- property enabled: bool¶
Indicates whether the profiler is currently enabled.
- class pace.util.Quantity(data, dims: Sequence[str], units: str, origin: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, extent: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, gt4py_backend: Optional[str] = None)¶
Data container for physical quantities.
- property attrs: dict¶
- property data: numpy.ndarray¶
the underlying array of data
- property data_array: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray¶
- property dims: Tuple[str, ...]¶
names of each dimension
- property extent: Tuple[int, ...]¶
the shape of the computational domain
- classmethod from_data_array(data_array: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray, origin: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, extent: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, gt4py_backend: Optional[str] = None) pace.util.quantity.Quantity ¶
Initialize a Quantity from an xarray.DataArray.
- Parameters
data_array –
origin – first point in data within the computational domain
extent – number of points along each axis within the computational domain
gt4py_backend – backend to use for gt4py storages, if not given this will be derived from a Storage if given as the data argument, otherwise the storage attribute is disabled and will raise an exception
- property gt4py_backend: Optional[str]¶
- halo_spec(n_halo: int) pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec ¶
- property metadata: pace.util.quantity.QuantityMetadata¶
- property np: pace.util.types.NumpyModule¶
- property origin: Tuple[int, ...]¶
the start of the computational domain
- sel(**kwargs: Union[slice, int]) numpy.ndarray ¶
Convenience method to perform indexing on view using dimension names without knowing dimension order.
- Parameters
**kwargs – slice/index to retrieve for a given dimension name
- Returns
- an ndarray-like selection of the given indices
on self.view
- Return type
- property shape¶
- transpose(target_dims: Sequence[Union[str, Iterable[str]]]) pace.util.quantity.Quantity ¶
Change the dimension order of this Quantity.
- Parameters
target_dims – a list of output dimensions. Instead of a single dimension name, an iterable of dimensions can be used instead for any entries. For example, you may want to use pace.util.X_DIMS to place an x-dimension without knowing whether it is on cell centers or interfaces.
- Returns
Quantity with the requested output dimension order
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – if any of the target dimensions do not exist on this Quantity, or if this Quantity contains multiple values from an iterable entry
Let’s say we have a cell-centered variable:
>>> import pace.util >>> import numpy as np >>> quantity = pace.util.Quantity( ... data=np.zeros([2, 3, 4]), ... dims=[pace.util.X_DIM, pace.util.Y_DIM, pace.util.Z_DIM], ... units="m", ... )
If you know you are working with cell-centered variables, you can do:
>>> from pace.util import X_DIM, Y_DIM, Z_DIM >>> transposed_quantity = quantity.transpose([X_DIM, Y_DIM, Z_DIM])
To support re-ordering without checking whether quantities are on cell centers or interfaces, the API supports giving a list of dimension names for dimensions. For example, to re-order to X-Y-Z dimensions regardless of the grid the variable is on, one could do:
>>> from pace.util import X_DIMS, Y_DIMS, Z_DIMS >>> transposed_quantity = quantity.transpose([X_DIMS, Y_DIMS, Z_DIMS])
- property units: str¶
units of the quantity
- property values: numpy.ndarray¶
- property view: pace.util.quantity.BoundedArrayView¶
a view into the computational domain of the underlying data
- class pace.util.QuantityFactory(sizer: pace.util.initialization.sizer.GridSizer, numpy)¶
- empty(dims: Sequence[str], units: str, dtype: type = <class 'float'>)¶
- from_array(data: numpy.ndarray, dims: Sequence[str], units: str)¶
Create a Quantity from a numpy array.
That numpy array must correspond to the correct shape and extent for the given dims.
- classmethod from_backend(sizer: pace.util.initialization.sizer.GridSizer, backend: str)¶
Initialize a QuantityFactory to use a specific gt4py backend.
- Parameters
sizer – object which determines array sizes
backend – gt4py backend
- get_quantity_halo_spec(dims: Sequence[str], n_halo: Optional[int] = None, dtype: type = <class 'float'>) pace.util.quantity.QuantityHaloSpec ¶
Build memory specifications for the halo update.
- Parameters
dims – dimensionality of the data
n_halo – number of halo points to update, defaults to self.n_halo
dtype – data type of the data
backend – gt4py backend to use
- ones(dims: Sequence[str], units: str, dtype: type = <class 'float'>)¶
- set_extra_dim_lengths(**kwargs)¶
Set the length of extra (non-x/y/z) dimensions.
- zeros(dims: Sequence[str], units: str, dtype: type = <class 'float'>)¶
- class pace.util.QuantityHaloSpec(n_points: int, strides: Tuple[int], itemsize: int, shape: Tuple[int], origin: Tuple[int, ...], extent: Tuple[int, ...], dims: Tuple[str, ...], numpy_module: pace.util.types.NumpyModule, dtype: Any)¶
Describe the memory to be exchanged, including size of the halo.
- dims: Tuple[str, ...]¶
- dtype: Any¶
- extent: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- itemsize: int¶
- n_points: int¶
- numpy_module: pace.util.types.NumpyModule¶
- origin: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- shape: Tuple[int]¶
- strides: Tuple[int]¶
- class pace.util.QuantityMetadata(origin: Tuple[int, ...], extent: Tuple[int, ...], dims: Tuple[str, ...], units: str, data_type: type, dtype: type, gt4py_backend: Union[str, NoneType] = None)¶
- data_type: type¶
ndarray-like type used to store the data
- property dim_lengths: Dict[str, int]¶
mapping of dimension names to their lengths
- dims: Tuple[str, ...]¶
names of each dimension
- dtype: type¶
dtype of the data in the ndarray-like object
- extent: Tuple[int, ...]¶
the shape of the computational domain
- gt4py_backend: Optional[str] = None¶
backend to use for gt4py storages
- property np: pace.util.types.NumpyModule¶
numpy-like module used to interact with the data
- origin: Tuple[int, ...]¶
the start of the computational domain
- units: str¶
units of the quantity
- class pace.util.SavepointThresholds(savepoints: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.Threshold]]])¶
- savepoints: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.Threshold]]]¶
- class pace.util.SnapshotCheckpointer(rank: int)¶
Checkpointer which can be used to save datasets showing the evolution of variables between checkpointer calls.
- cleanup()¶
- property dataset: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset¶
- class pace.util.SubtileGridSizer(nx: int, ny: int, nz: int, n_halo: int, extra_dim_lengths: Dict[str, int])¶
- property dim_extents: Dict[str, int]¶
- extra_dim_lengths: Dict[str, int]¶
lengths of any non-x/y/z dimensions, such as land or radiation dimensions
- classmethod from_namelist(namelist: dict, tile_partitioner: Optional[pace.util.partitioner.TilePartitioner] = None, tile_rank: int = 0)¶
Create a SubtileGridSizer from a Fortran namelist.
- Parameters
namelist – A namelist for the fv3gfs fortran model
tile_partitioner (optional) – a partitioner to use for segmenting the tile. By default, a TilePartitioner is used.
tile_rank (optional) – current rank on tile. Default is 0. Only matters if different ranks have different domain shapes. If tile_partitioner is a TilePartitioner, this argument does not matter.
- classmethod from_tile_params(nx_tile: int, ny_tile: int, nz: int, n_halo: int, extra_dim_lengths: Dict[str, int], layout: Tuple[int, int], tile_partitioner: Optional[pace.util.partitioner.TilePartitioner] = None, tile_rank: int = 0)¶
Create a SubtileGridSizer from parameters about the full tile.
- Parameters
nx_tile – number of x cell centers on the tile
ny_tile – number of y cell centers on the tile
nz – number of vertical levels
n_halo – number of halo points
extra_dim_lengths – lengths of any non-x/y/z dimensions, such as land or radiation dimensions
layout – (y, x) number of ranks along tile edges
tile_partitioner (optional) – partitioner object for the tile. By default, a TilePartitioner is created with the given layout
tile_rank (optional) – rank of this subtile.
- get_extent(dims: Iterable[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- get_origin(dims: Iterable[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- get_shape(dims: Iterable[str]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
- n_halo: int¶
number of horizontal halo points for produced arrays
- nx: int¶
length of the x compute dimension for produced arrays
- ny: int¶
length of the y compute dimension for produced arrays
- nz: int¶
length of the z compute dimension for produced arrays
- class pace.util.Threshold(relative: float, absolute: float)¶
- absolute: float¶
- merge(other: pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.Threshold) pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.Threshold ¶
Provide a threshold which is always satisfied if both input thresholds are satisfied.
This is generally a less strict threshold than either input.
- relative: float¶
- class pace.util.ThresholdCalibrationCheckpointer(factor: float = 1.0)¶
Calibrates thresholds to be used by a ValidationCheckpointer.
Does this by recording the minimum and maximum values seen across trials, and using them to derive the maximum relative and absolute error one could have across any pair of trials, then multiplying this by a user-provided factor.
- property thresholds: pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.SavepointThresholds¶
- trial()¶
Context manager for a trial.
A new context manager should entered each time the code being calibrated is called, and exited at the end of code execution. If each of these calls is done with slightly perturbed inputs, this calibrator will be able to estimate an error tolerance for each savepoint call.
- class pace.util.TileCommunicator(comm, partitioner: pace.util.partitioner.TilePartitioner, force_cpu: bool = False, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None)¶
Performs communications within a single tile or region of a tile
- start_halo_update(quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdater ¶
Start an asynchronous halo update on a quantity.
- Parameters
quantity – the quantity to be updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting from the interior
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- start_synchronize_vector_interfaces(x_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity, y_quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdateRequest ¶
Synchronize shared points at the edges of a vector interface variable.
Sends the values on the south and west edges to overwrite the values on adjacent subtiles. Vector must be defined on the Arakawa C grid.
For interface variables, the edges of the tile are computed on both ranks bordering that edge. This routine copies values across those shared edges so that both ranks have the same value for that edge. It also handles any rotation of vector quantities needed to move data across the edge.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be synchronized
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be synchronized
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- start_vector_halo_update(x_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], y_quantity: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, List[pace.util.quantity.Quantity]], n_points: int) pace.util.halo_updater.HaloUpdater ¶
Start an asynchronous halo update of a horizontal vector quantity.
Assumes the x and y dimension indices are the same between the two quantities.
- Parameters
x_quantity – the x-component quantity to be halo updated
y_quantity – the y-component quantity to be halo updated
n_points – how many halo points to update, starting at the interior
- Returns
an asynchronous request object with a .wait() method
- Return type
- property tile¶
- class pace.util.TilePartitioner(layout: Tuple[int, int], edge_interior_ratio: float = 1.0)¶
- boundary(boundary_type: int, rank: int) Optional[pace.util.boundary.SimpleBoundary] ¶
Returns a boundary of the requested type for a given rank.
Target ranks will be on the same tile as the given rank, wrapping around as in a doubly-periodic boundary condition.
- Parameters
boundary_type – the type of boundary
rank – the processor rank
- Returns
- fliplr_rank(rank: int) int ¶
- classmethod from_namelist(namelist)¶
Initialize a TilePartitioner from a Fortran namelist.
- Parameters
namelist (dict) – the Fortran namelist
- global_extent(rank_metadata: Union[pace.util.quantity.Quantity, pace.util.quantity.QuantityMetadata]) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
Return the shape of a full tile representation for the given dimensions.
- Parameters
metadata – quantity metadata
- Returns
shape of full tile representation
- Return type
- on_tile_bottom(rank: int) bool ¶
- on_tile_left(rank: int) bool ¶
- on_tile_right(rank: int) bool ¶
- on_tile_top(rank: int) bool ¶
- rotate_rank(rank: int, n_clockwise_rotations: int) int ¶
- subtile_extent(global_metadata: pace.util.quantity.QuantityMetadata, rank: int) Tuple[int, ...] ¶
Return the shape of a single rank representation for the given dimensions.
- Parameters
global_metadata – quantity metadata.
rank – rank of the process.
- Returns
shape of a single rank representation for the given dimensions.
- Return type
- subtile_index(rank: int) Tuple[int, int] ¶
Return the (y, x) subtile position of a given rank as an integer number of subtiles.
- subtile_slice(rank: int, global_dims: Sequence[str], global_extent: Sequence[int], overlap: bool = False) Tuple[slice, ...] ¶
Return the subtile slice of a given rank on an array.
Global refers to the domain being partitioned. For example, for a partitioning of a tile, the tile would be the “global” domain.
- Parameters
rank – the rank of the process
global_dims – dimensions of the global quantity being partitioned
global_extent – extent of the global quantity being partitioned
overlap (optional) – if True, for interface variables include the part of the array shared by adjacent ranks in both ranks. If False, ensure only one of those ranks (the greater rank) is assigned the overlapping section. Default is False.
- Returns
- the slice of the global compute domain corresponding
to the subtile compute domain
- Return type
- tile_index(rank: int)¶
- property total_ranks: int¶
- class pace.util.Timer¶
Class to accumulate timings for named operations.
- clock(name: str)¶
Context manager to produce timings of operations.
- Parameters
name – the name of the operation being timed
The context manager times operations that happen within its context. The following would time a time.sleep operation:
>>> import time >>> from pace.util import Timer >>> timer = Timer() >>> with timer.clock("sleep"): ... time.sleep(1) ... >>> timer.times {'sleep': 1.0032463260000029}
- disable()¶
Disable the Timer.
- enable()¶
Enable the Timer.
- property enabled: bool¶
Indicates whether the timer is currently enabled.
- property hits: Mapping[str, int]¶
accumulated hit counts for each operation name
- reset()¶
Remove all accumulated timings.
- start(name: str)¶
Start timing a given named operation.
- stop(name: str)¶
Stop timing a given named operation, add the time elapsed to accumulated timing and increase the hit count.
- property times: Mapping[str, float]¶
accumulated timings for each operation name
- exception pace.util.UnitsError¶
- class pace.util.ValidationCheckpointer(savepoint_data_path: str, thresholds: pace.util.checkpointer.thresholds.SavepointThresholds, rank: int)¶
Checkpointer which can be used to validate the output of a test.
- trial()¶
Context manager for a trial.
When entered, resets reference data comparison back to the start of the data.
A new context manager should entered before the code being tested is called, and exited at the end of code execution.
- class pace.util.ZarrMonitor(store: Union[str, collections.abc.MutableMapping], partitioner: pace.util.partitioner.Partitioner, mode: str = 'w', mpi_comm=<pace.util.monitor.zarr_monitor.DummyComm object>)¶
sympl.Monitor-style object for storing model state dictionaries in a Zarr store.
- cleanup()¶
- store(state: dict) None ¶
Append the model state dictionary to the zarr store.
Requires the state contain the same quantities with the same metadata as the first time this is called. Dimension order metadata may change between calls so long as the set of dimensions is the same. Quantities are stored with dimensions [time, rank] followed by the dimensions included in the first state snapshot. The one exception is “time” which is stored with dimensions [time].
- store_constant(state: dict) None ¶
- pace.util.apply_nudging(state, reference_state, nudging_timescales: Mapping[str, datetime.timedelta], timestep: datetime.timedelta)¶
Nudge the given state towards the reference state according to the provided nudging timescales.
Nudging is applied to the state in-place.
- Parameters
state (dict) – A state dictionary.
reference_state (dict) – A reference state dictionary.
nudging_timescales (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are standard names and values are timedelta objects indicating the relaxation timescale for that variable.
timestep (timedelta) – length of the timestep
- Returns
- A dictionary whose keys are standard names
and values are Quantity objects indicating the nudging tendency of that standard name.
- Return type
nudging_tendencies (dict)
- pace.util.array_buffer(allocator: pace.util.types.Allocator, shape: Iterable[int], dtype: type) Generator[pace.util.buffer.Buffer, pace.util.buffer.Buffer, None] ¶
A context manager providing a contiguous array, which may be re-used between calls.
- Parameters
allocator – a function with the same signature as numpy.zeros which returns an ndarray
shape – the shape of the desired array
dtype – the dtype of the desired array
- Yields
buffer_array –
- an ndarray created according to the specification in the args.
May be retained and re-used in subsequent calls.
- pace.util.capture_stream(stream)¶
- pace.util.datetime64_to_datetime(dt64: numpy.datetime64) datetime.datetime ¶
- pace.util.ensure_equal_units(units1: str, units2: str) None ¶
- pace.util.fill_scalar_corners(quantity: pace.util.quantity.Quantity, direction: Literal[x, y], tile_partitioner: pace.util.partitioner.TilePartitioner, rank: int, n_halo: int)¶
At the corners of tile faces, copy data from halo edges into halo corners to allow stencils to be translated along those edges in a computationally-relevant way.
The quantity is modified in-place.
- Parameters
quantity – the quantity to modify, whose first two dimensions must be along the x and y directions, respectively
direction – the direction along which we want to enable stencils to compute. For example, calling with “x” would allow a stencil with length > 1 along the x-direction to be convolved with Quantity. Note it is not possible to use corner filling to convolve with stencils having length > 1 along both x and y dimensions.
tile_partitioner – object to determine tile positions of ranks
rank – rank on which the quantity exists
n_halo – number of halo points to fill
- pace.util.get_fs(path: str) fsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem ¶
Return the fsspec filesystem required to handle a given path.
- pace.util.get_nudging_tendencies(state, reference_state, nudging_timescales: Mapping[str, datetime.timedelta])¶
Return the nudging tendency of the given state towards the reference state according to the provided nudging timescales.
- Parameters
state (dict) – A state dictionary.
reference_state (dict) – A reference state dictionary.
nudging_timescales (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are standard names and values are timedelta objects indicating the relaxation timescale for that variable.
- Returns
- A dictionary whose keys are standard names
and values are Quantity objects indicating the nudging tendency of that standard name.
- Return type
nudging_tendencies (dict)
- pace.util.get_tile_index(rank: int, total_ranks: int) int ¶
Returns the zero-indexed tile number, given a rank and total number of ranks.
- pace.util.get_tile_number(tile_rank: int, total_ranks: int) int ¶
Deprecated: use get_tile_index.
Returns the tile number for a given rank and total number of ranks.
- pace.util.open_restart(dirname: str, communicator: pace.util.communicator.CubedSphereCommunicator, label: str = '', only_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, to_state: Optional[dict] = None, tracer_properties: Optional[Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Union[str, Iterable[str]]]]] = None)¶
Load restart files output by the Fortran model into a state dictionary.
- Parameters
dirname – location of restart files, can be local or remote
communicator – object for communication over the cubed sphere
label – prepended string on the restart files to load
only_names (optional) – list of standard names to load
to_state (optional) – if given, assign loaded data into pre-allocated quantities in this state dictionary
- Returns
model state dictionary
- Return type
- pace.util.read_state(filename: str) dict ¶
Read a model state from a NetCDF file.
- Parameters
filename – local or remote location of the NetCDF file
- Returns
a model state dictionary
- Return type
- pace.util.recv_buffer(allocator: Callable, array: numpy.ndarray, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None) numpy.ndarray ¶
A context manager ensuring that array is contiguous in a context where it is being used to receive data, using a recycled buffer array and then copying the result into array if necessary.
- Parameters
allocator – used to allocate memory
array – a possibly non-contiguous array for which to provide a buffer
timer – object to accumulate timings for “unpack”
- Yields
buffer_array –
- if array is non-contiguous, a contiguous buffer array which is
copied into array when the context is exited. Otherwise, yields array.
- pace.util.send_buffer(allocator: Callable, array: numpy.ndarray, timer: Optional[pace.util._timing.Timer] = None) numpy.ndarray ¶
A context manager ensuring that array is contiguous in a context where it is being sent as data, copying into a recycled buffer array if necessary.
- Parameters
allocator – used to allocate memory
array – a possibly non-contiguous array for which to provide a buffer
timer – object to accumulate timings for “pack”
- Yields
buffer_array –
- if array is non-contiguous, a contiguous buffer array containing
the data from array. Otherwise, yields array.
- pace.util.to_dataset(state)¶
- pace.util.units_are_equal(units1: str, units2: str) bool ¶
- pace.util.write_state(state: dict, filename: str) None ¶
Write a model state to a NetCDF file.
- Parameters
state – a model state dictionary
filename – local or remote location to write the NetCDF file